Friday, January 2, 2009

Day Nineteen

Last night I had difficulty sleeping. I'm not sure why, I just found myself awake a lot; I couldn't get comfortable. I reduced my pain meds on Wednesday evening and I'm definitely noticing a difference -I'm not as tired/foggy all the time, but the pain is also more difficult to deal with. Around 6:30am this morinng I finally was able to close my eyes and sleep for about three uninterrupted hours.

I've spent this afternoon on the couch, struggling to rebuild my work computer remotely. Before I left our IT guy set it up so I could access my work computer through a program called LogMeIn. It worked great until I left the hospital...and found out that my work computer had a massive hard drive failure. I initially was in a panic that I had lost everything, especially my thousands of emails that I have archived, but I was smart. I had backed up my company computer files on my own the weekend before I left, including my email, so in reality I only lost a week of emails and a few documents.

While the IT guy got me a new hard drive and the software installed, today I have been remotely transferring over my files and reorganizing everything. This has taken longer than I thought it would. In between I've been working on work-related projects, so today is truly a work day for me. I've been making sure to get in my exercises and walking, but everything else is just work. It's a bit hard to focus as the pain is nagging, but I'm managing. Today I'm making an effort to ice my right hip as much as possible - 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Maybe that will make a difference.

Tomorrow we are having our "Christmas" with my parents, brother, grandma and her husband in the late morning/early afternoon. My parents are hosting, which is only ten minutes from our house. They have several comfy La-Z-Boy chairs that recline, so I'm thinking that will be pretty nice. I don't think it will be too draining on me, as I think everyone there will be trying to do whatever they can to make me comfortable. I'm just looking forward to being with family.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Take it easy & don't try to take on too much at once! That is so nice you will be family for your (finally!) thoughtful of them all to wait for you! I really hope the pain gets better soon. Were you able to get that injection you had mentioned? Is the pain getting better since the beginning, or is it maintaining its level? If it's getting better, then at least there is improvement! 2 weeks ago you probably couldn't have started decreasing you doses, right? Stay positive & keep going!