Friday, April 10, 2009

Week 16

I know some of you still read this thing, so thank you. Hopefully I don't bore people too much. Part of my purpose in this blog is to have a record of what I've gone through; a journal that could potentially be used to help others, or to help myself if the surgery does not provide the outcome I had hoped. My memory is still not what it once was, and having a written record definitely helps. I actually have two other blogs that I have used in the past, and have gone back to them on many occasions to help piece together my story when I see new physicians or talk to others that have similar issues.

I'm at week 16 since my surgery, and it's hard to believe four months have gone by. A lot has happened, yet the time frame seems shorter. Our lives have been in such chaos for so many months that I think the whole last year just seems like a blur. Somewhat unproductive, a little depressing and frustrating, but mostly exhausting. Right now we're in a place of calmness, and it's just very odd. Unfortunately I don't think it will stay that way very long, but hopefully it will be replaced with more positive events than negative.

If I'm being truthful, my health has actually declined these last several weeks. Before going to Iowa I was noticing some real improvements with pain levels, but I've now been going backwards for about a month. At first I thought maybe it was all of the traveling, sitting, uncomfortable hotel beds, etc. But we've now been home for over two weeks and I'm still not back to where I was.

I'm not going to worry yet. I've been really focused on catching up at work and putting in very long hours, and now that I feel I'm at a reasonable point there I can start focusing on my personal life. I need to stop and really study what I'm doing now vs. what I was doing a month ago. What I'm eating, drinking; what vitamins I'm taking, what activities I'm doing, etc. I also have to factor in weather. Weather kills me, especially when there are drastic swings, which is mostly what these last few weeks have been. Hopefully most of my problems lie there, but I don't think that is the whole issue. I just need time to stop and analyze, and luckily I now have that time.

I am on week three of physical therapy, and I think it's going well. They have a huge variety of weight/motion machines, that work various parts of my body. I'm doing better than expected (per their comments). I go twice a week, and starting this week one of therapists began microalignment therapy. With only light touches and some light pulling of my legs, she was able to improve my pain levels. It was really odd, as I could feel things shifting in my body, which she said were basically toxins, scar tissue, things out of alignment, etc. She worked my legs, back and mid-body, and said that things are pretty messed up throughout my whole body. Not a shock considering everything I've been through; I've always said that after the surgery I would need almost a complete body re-build. Nothing can be fixed in a day, but can be improved with several sessions. I guess once something is "fixed" it doesn't revert back, at least not in the short term. She told me I would probably not feel well for the next day or two, and she was right...but now it's been three days and I actually feel pretty good. I will now be meeting with her once a week for this treatment, and I look forward to seeing what else she can do. I put it in the same category as acupuncture; it's not something I would normally believe in, but having experienced it I can say that it definitely works.

I will be meeting with my Baltimore surgeon in May, which will hopefully be my last visit for at least a few months. Instead of driving I think I'll do a fly in/fly out thing instead. I also need to reschedule an appointment with my primary care physician and have blood work completed; I need to see where key levels are at. I was to go in March but had to cancel twice. Now I'm sort of avoiding, as I want to see her when I'm feeling decent. And maybe I'm a bit afraid; if the levels of my ANA and platelets are the same, then I still have something wrong with me. I have to stop procrastinating.

Happy Easter to all, and hopefully next week my update will reflect more improvement.

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