Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day Thirteen

If you believe in unlucky 13, then I guess it makes sense that today - day thirteen - was not a great day. I still don't know if the meds I'm taking are right; I don't want more, I just want something more effective. I went through a horrible pain spell last night and most of this morning, and nothing I did made things better. It's still focused around my hip/groin/leg area. It's been less than two weeks since the surgery, so this is expected for the short term. It's something I'll talk with the case manager about on Monday when I see her.

Brad spent most of the day with his relatives who live in the area, so I was on my own today. There was no way I could do a 40 minute car trip and back, plus sit in a house for several hours that was unlikely set up for a recent back surgery patient! I made it on my own here just fine, though it was definitely boring and lonely. I started writing some people back (I have a huge list of people to get back to), but would fall asleep in the middle of writing something. A typical day - can't sleep well at night, so then you start falling asleep in the middle of various activities throughout the day! I feel like a 90 year old about now. :-)

Tomorrow I'm hoping I'll have a bit more pain relief, as I'd like to get some job-related work done. My parents also bought me "The Office DVD Board Game" as something to keep me entertained after my surgery, so Brad and I will break that out tomorrow and try it out. We're both big fans, but I've seen the episodes a lot more. On the other hand, he's not on medications and has a better memory. It will be interesting to see who wins!

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