Friday, February 13, 2009

Filter Removal

Arrived at the hospital at 6am and checked in. After going through the whole process, it was realized that lab messed up and just cross-typed my blood platelets yesterday and didn't do an actual count. So, I was wheeled into the Radiology area where the procedure was to be done, and ended up being delayed about two hours. My platelet count was 16 (hey, that was up from last Friday!), so they did the platelet transfusion which took about 25 minutes. In order to keep on schedule they had a few patients go in before me, so by the time I was wheeled in I was definitely ready to go.

The procedure at minimum was to take 45 minutes, but it went really smoothly and took closer to 20-25 per the staff. I was awake the whole time, though they gave me drugs on several attempts to put me in more of a sleep-yet-still-awake mode. They went in through my neck so my whole head was covered and I couldn't see anything. The surgeon spoke with me the whole time, telling me what he was doing, and before I knew it the thing was out. Afterwards the staff showed it to me, and it was pretty cool. A lot more connected pieces/parts than I thought it was back when they put it in, but was glad to see it out.

I was immediately given a chest xray and things looked clear. I was coughing up blood for about 20 minutes which freaked me out a bit, but was told it was normal. Sat in the recovery area for about 2 hours, got a turkey sandwich and a percocet for the arm/hand pain I was having. Got the discharge instructions and was back at the hotel by 1pm.

I basically slept most of the afternoon, though I'm in a lot of pain/discomfort. Brad was kind enough to go out and get dinner, so I thought it would be a good time to do a quick blog. I have a feeling I'll have a rough night, but have approval to drive back home tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it; things are just more comfortable there.

So this is now the time for "the big wait". I am currently nickel-free; what will happen now? If I get better, I'll probably be a case study. If I don't, then I have a lot of thinking to do as to where to go from here. No change in pain yet, but it hasn't even been 12 hours. I want to drink lots fluids, eat healthy, etc. My body has a lot going on and it's going to take some time for everything to be where it's suppose to be.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and Valentine's Day. I'll post when we're back in Ohio.

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