Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 9 - Finally!

First, my apologies. I wrote this Monday but for some reason it didn't post; so this is really from Monday, though I'm posting on Tuesday. - CLF

To my shock there are people still reading this, so I better keep this thing up to date!

I have good news today. I finally got a hold of the vascular surgeon this afternoon, and he confirmed we will take care of my low platelet count there. He also confirmed I did not need to follow the treatment path the hematologist here recommended, thank goodness. I had already canceled it this morning, so that was a big relief there. Basically I will go in on Thursday, have the hospital lab test my count, and if it's lower than 50,000 they will arrange for a platelet transfusion either Thursday afternoon or Friday morning before the procedure.

I was originally going to drive to Maryland on Thursday morning, but will now likely drive there after work on Wednesday. I want to get my blood tested first thing on Thursday so there is time for the surgeon to decide how to handle my platelet count. In the early afternoon I meet with the spine surgeon, at which time I'll have x-rays done to see how the fusion has progressed. If things go well there, I could finally be cleared to start taking anti-inflammatory medications again. I don't anticipate any negatives on the film, as my back really feels great these days. I have sore moments, but it's more muscle-related than anything.

Another positive thing is that Brad might be able to go with me on this trip. His mom went off dialysis on January 30, but so far she is not showing signs of decline. We were thinking my mom would go with me for this, but if Brad's mom is still doing well he will join me. I love my mom and she's a wonderful caretaker and I have a lot of fun with her, but Brad and I have been through so many procedures together that we just "know the drill." It's sad, but we do! Plus I would likely be limited in how much I can drive, and I know my mom was dreading having to drive my car in the crazy Baltimore traffic!

It's amazing how a small, unknown hospital in a suburb of Maryland - and down the street from Johns Hopkins - has dealt so positively with my situation in complete contrast to the two big Cleveland health systems. I know that come Thursday and Friday that I will be in good hands.

I'll say it again - I appreciate all of the love, support and prayers from everyone. I certainly was not expecting how things played out these last several weeks, and I've needed every ounce of help I could get. I truly appreciate it.

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